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The Pros and Cons of Smartphones for Kids: What You Need to Consider

Navigating whether or not your child should have a smartphone can be tricky. Get informed on the risks and rewards of giving them their first device, plus the considerations you need to keep top of mind.

As a mama, giving your child their first cell phone isn't always an easy decision. Getting a smart phone in particular is like a right a passage these days for our kids. While smartphones offer numerous advantages, including instant communication, social development, and access to information and resources, there are also potential risks and disadvantages.

As you weigh the decision, it is important to be informed and considerate of the risks and rewards of allowing your child to have their phone. Here are some pros and cons to keep in mind.


  1. Instant communication: Let's state the obvious. It is a huge relief to know that you and your child can contact each other in case of emergencies or unexpected situations.

  2. Social development: Smartphones provide an opportunity for our children to connect with peers, build friendships and maintain relationships.

  3. Access to information and resources: Smartphones provide an avenue for children to access educational and informative materials, apps and other digital resources.


  1. Privacy concerns: The use of smartphones may put a child at risk of encounters with strangers or harmful content.

  2. Addiction: Smartphones can be addictive and could interfere with your child's focus on school work or other important tasks.

  3. Cyberbullying: Cyberbullying is a modern form of bullying made easier by social media. The ease of accessing social media through a smartphone can expose a child to this danger. And we know we mamas are not about to let our babies be cyberbullied.


So, what should we look out for when considering purchasing a smartphone for our children?

Here are four vital considerations to keep in mind.

  1. Age-appropriateness: Consider the appropriate age for your child to own a smartphone. This depends on your child's maturity level and the needs for a cellphone.

  2. Purpose: Determine the primary purpose for the phone. Is it for personal or school use? Understanding why your child wants a phone is essential before considering the purchase.

  3. Parental controls: Look for features that allow parental controls of apps, web access and other settings that provide peace of mind for you.

  4. Monitoring: Have access to the phone before your child starts to use it to monitor calls, messages and apps to ensure your child's safety.


Finally, here are some actionable steps we mamas can take to help protect our children from the dangers of owning a smartphone.

  1. Review privacy settings and utilize parental controls.

  2. Set screen time limits and encourage other activities and hobbies to reduce dependency on the cell phone.

  3. Have repeated open and honest conversations with your child concerning cyberbullying, online privacy and risks associated with social media.

  4. Regularly monitor the social media activities of your child.

  5. Set media-free times such as during dinner or family time.

  6. Educate your child about smartphone safety, online etiquette, and responsible social media usage.


Purchasing a smartphone for your child comes with advantages and disadvantages. Being informed and thoughtful about the decision-making process can help you weigh the risks and rewards before determining if it is a suitable option for your child. By considering the four vital considerations and taking proactive steps to protect your child's safety, owning a smartphone can provide peace of mind and numerous.

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