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Build Your House So that God Can Dwell In It With You

By wisdom a house is built and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. Proverbs 24:3-4

Construction of anything requires planning. This is required for all things that we build, whether it is a small project like putting together a table that you purchase from IKEA.

For some of us, when we see those small purchases that state “assembly is required,” we tend to put it back on the shelf. We put it back for several reasons, but the main reason is because the product is not complete. And for it to become complete we must participate in its completion.

But for others who have a “I know how to do it” attitude and like putting things together, they may purchase the item and bring it home. At home they might look at the box like a "blueprint" to see what it will look like after they finish assembling it and then throw the little paper called “instructions” over to the corner. They rather get all the tools and get started working than taking time to read some "instructions."

Well, after about the third or fourth time taking a section apart because it didn’t connect to the other piece right, they start looking through the pile for that little paper called “instructions."

God had a plan for you before you were born

God said in Jeremiah 1:4, "before I formed you in the womb I knew [a] you, before you were born I set you apart." God designed your house for him to dwell in it with you and prepared a blueprint for your life before you were born. God has a perfect plan for your life – a personalized plan just for you with your name on it! But, the irony of this is, although God designed your house, God is a God of action. God requires each of us to build our house in accordance to his blueprint. When King Solomon built the Temple, through his wisdom, he gave us three steps we need to follow to build the house that God has designed for us.

Step 1: The foundation is built from wisdom

By wisdom a house is built. Proverbs 23:3

Wisdom is a gift from God. Since it is a gift that has been given to us, all we have to do is put the wisdom to work by trusting God with all our heart and leaning not just on our understandings. Believing and knowing that all things are possible when we include God as the pilot, captain, and director of our life.

Step 2: Establish the Walls of the House with Understanding

After the foundation of wisdom is laid, God’s blueprint calls for the establishment of the walls of understanding. Understanding his Word. By studying and meditating on the Word of God, we are able to discern between good and evil, truth and lies. In other words, one who has understanding, has good judgment. It is through our understanding of God’s Word that we become sanctified and mature in our spiritual walk.

Step 3: Fill all of the rooms with joy and peace

"Those who listen to instruction will prosper; those who trust the LORD will be joyful." Proverbs 16:20

God wants us to have peace in our lives no matter what. This final step of his blueprint for your life will bring deep and lasting joy, which is possible because he enables us through prayer as well as teaches valuable lessons on how we can achieve this goal. This is done by following certain steps like trusting Him with every decision or action made throughout life; having holy reverence towards Him; applying those truths learned from scripture into practice each day so that you are living according to His word.

Key Take Aways . .

If you are tired of assembling your life without instructions or following the blueprint from God and tired of repeating the same unsuccessful steps over and over again, then God is encouraging you to start building your house in accordance with his plan. He wants you to pick up his blueprint and follow the three steps: (1) gain wisdom; (2) understanding; and (3) knowledge and trust. With that, God will order your steps and guide you through His plans for your life.


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