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Are You Listening to What God Has to Say?

In everything we do, it's important to listen for what God has to say. Communication with Him is a two-way street that will benefit your relationship with Him.

In Proverbs 3:6, we are reminded that we should tune into God's voice in everything we do, everywhere we go; Because only He can ensure our path is true. His mighty voice can make cedar trees fall and He echoes words from mountaintops and burning bushes, through silent whispers in Elijah’s ear and a donkey for Balaam. Throughout time, God has spoken to His people - so the question is, are you listening?

When it comes to praying, most of us think about speaking with God. That is only one side of it though. As our Heavenly Father, he wants us to call upon Him; Pray for help, intercede on the behalf of others, give thanksgiving, confess sin, and share our hearts with Him.

It is equally important to take the time while communicating with Him to listen for what He might have to say back. Communication works best when it is two-way – meaning both parties are equally involved in speaking and listening. We fail when we do all the talking without giving Him an opportunity to respond or offer wisdom into our lives. Are you ready to listen?

Here are four ways for us to hear God when he is speaking to us:

1. Stop and Listen

To be able to hear God's voice, we must stop and listen. Not only does He want to lead us on a path specifically tailored for us, but He yearns to commune with us directly. His wish is to speak into our hearts, encouraging, molding, convicting and inspiring us. However, we need to pay attention.

In order to hear Him speak, it is essential that we create an in-depth relationship with silence - finding uninterrupted time for complete stillness before God. This will allow for us to better hear His voice through the noise of our lives. Jeremiah 33:3 exhorts us "call unto me and I will answer thee and Shew thee great and mighty things which thou knows not".

Much like a child can identify their parent's voice from thousands of other voices, we have to condition our hearts and spirits in order for them to distinguish between His presence and all the other whispers that try to whisper doubts in our ears. For instance, my husband has developed a special whistle he uses whenever he calls out my name amid the hustle of a crowd. After 30 years of marriage, I can recognize his call easily due to how often I have allowed myself to be trained by his distinct sound - trusting that when I hear it, I know immediately it is him connecting with me.

God may not communicate audibly with you like he did with Moses; however, He will speak internally through His Holy Spirit providing insight towards His will through various means such as impressions, images, thoughts, or counsel from others. Nevertheless, when we are deeply connected with Him then any conversation will be heard loud and clear.

2. Be Aware

We must be mindful that God communicates with us in a variety of indirect ways. It is important to remain alert throughout the day, understanding that the Lord yearns to connect with us and be an active part of our lives. This can be seen through music, conversations, scripture, preaching, seemingly random events or even by someone we encounter.

In addition to looking for external sources of communication from God, it is essential to also listen intently for inner whispers coming from Him. That may manifest as feelings, prompts or even a single word or thought. They could serve as indicators that something requires attention or has deeper meaning.

Therefore, it is beneficial to ask God why - continuing down this line of questioning until we reach the root of the issue. Additionally, our emotions tell us a lot about ourselves and if we are tuned into them, they can help us understand what our souls need, and how we should respond accordingly. Be conscious and aware of all these signals so that when God speaks, you will be ready to receive His message.

3. Confirmation:

To be sure of what we are hearing from the Lord, it is essential to confirm it by comparing it with His revealed Word. We should ask ourselves if the message is in direct conflict or goes against the principles found in the Bible - because if so, then we can be certain that it does not come from our Heavenly Father. 1 Corinthians 14:33 tells us that God is not a God of disorder and confusion; He will not provide guidance that contradicts itself.

4. Walk By Faith

The most critical part of hearing from the Lord is to put our faith and trust in Him. We might not understand why He tells us to do something, or even if it seems irrational, but if we have faith then we must obey. Isaiah 55:8-9 reminds us that His ways are above ours and that would include situations where what He speaks doesn't make sense at first glance. That is why having faith is so important; because if things came easily and were always comprehensible, there would be no need for it.

In Conclusion

God speaks to us all – the question is, are we paying attention? As we learn to recognize the voice of our Heavenly Father, faith becomes our guide, not just our sight. When we come close to the Lord, we can hear Him softly speaking encouragement and healing into us. He will reveal secrets that lie within us, or mysteries about Himself. He will provide truth to counter any lies we have clung to and impart wisdom so that others may benefit from it too. So ask yourself: Is God speaking and am I listening?


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