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4 Tips to Unlocking the Power of Deep Breathing for Better Health

Are you looking for a way to reduce stress or pain and improve your health? mindful breathing may be the answer.

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Have you ever thought about how much value your breath holds? We often think of diet, exercise, and stress management as the keys to good health, but one element that's often overlooked is the power of deep breathing.

Last fall, I went to see an integrative medicine doctor to tackle lingering physical issues post-pregnancy. Among the exercises she gave me was to focus on breathwork. Turning mindful breathing into a daily ritual has made me more in tune with my body, reduced the pain I've had, and lowered my overall stress levels.

My goal is to keep up with my breathwork journey and explore its depths even further. Every day I'm now dedicating time for breathing exercises and incorporating them into everyday tasks like doing the dishes or folding those never-ending piles of laundry (which I hate)! Even in between work calls and Teams meetings, there have been opportunities to take a few moments for deeper breaths.

Finding that connection with your breath can truly be transformative if you approach it in the right way – so here are four tips to help you get started:

#1 - Start with mindful breathing: Take a few minutes each day to sit in stillness with your eyes closed and simply observe your natural breath and then to take deep breaths in and out. Allow yourself time to become aware of each inhale and exhale. During this time, try not to focus on any specific thoughts or emotions - just the act of breathing itself.

#2 - Set reminders throughout the day: Whether it's a lunch break meditation or an afternoon mindfulness session in between tasks - scheduling regular reminders will help you make conscious breathing part of your daily routine with ease. I've turned to setting multiple reoccuring alarms on my phone.

#3 - Incorporate an abdominal breath cycle into other activities: Abdominal breathing doesn't have to be limited to sitting still - next time you go out for a walk around the block, or even when doing something mundane - try consciously focusing on using just 4 or 5 breaths per minute (the optimum rate). This will help keep oxygen flowing throughout your body which can reduce feelings of anxiety and tension while also promoting relaxation and better concentration levels during extended periods of activity.

#4 - Take deep breaths before bedtime to wind-down: Establishing a nightly wind-down routine that involves deep breaths before sleep can have amazing calming effects on both mind and body alike! Use this time as an opportunity to release any worries or lingering thoughts from the day so that restful sleep may ensue with greater ease!

Summing It Up

By starting small with these tips, you will find yourself becoming more comfortable with incorporating breathwork into everyday life more easily than expected! Permit yourself every day to take some much-needed moments for self-care by consciously connecting with your breath – it’s one investment that absolutely no one ever regrets making!

I also highly recommend The Breathing Cure by Patrick McKeown to learn more about mindful breathing benefits and for some additional exercises.

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